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Would you rather have frustrated homeowners or happy ones?

What would you rather say to your new homeowner?

“Congratulations on your new home! Here is a stack of paper appliance manuals, your orientation guide, maintenance instructions, and home warranties you can shove in a drawer or filing cabinet.”


“Here is the login to your private homeowner portal, HomeHub! It contains digital copies of everything you need to care for and maintain your beautiful new home.”

A great homeowner experience must begin the day they call for information, continue during closing and orientation, and go all the way through their first-year warranty period. And the best way to give your new homeowner a great experience is to ensure that you meet their expectations throughout the process. However, customer experiences have been dramatically changed by digital technology.
Customers today expect to get what they want almost the exact moment they want it, driving the future of customer service. 

Our customizable HomeHub provides new homeowners with digital copies of everything they need to service and maintain their new home that is accessible anytime on any Internet-connected device. And our Customer Service Tools allow them to send detailed service requests and receive up-to-the-minute updates. That's how we help you create great experiences!

It may be time to ask, "Why are we still printing manuals?"

HomeHub includes homeowner orientation guides, emergency procedures, HOA information, builder warranty guides, a library of every product and appliance installed, scheduled maintenance reminders, how-to videos, and warranty notifications. The magazine-like publications include performance standards & maintenance guidelines and meet all industry requirements. Best of all, they are fully searchable, so homeowners can quickly find the information they need and won't have to call you!

What procedures do you have to ensure your homeowners have a great experience working with your company? Tell us in the comments below.